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February 08, 2022
The case for scaling the utility workforce
Our VP of global delivery makes the case for adaptation with workforce woes.
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January 04, 2022
Smart meter adoption in the U.S. tops 65%
Growth of AMI has been steadily rising since 2016.
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December 02, 2021
The smart city redefined as people-focused
Our COO examines the term smart city & its deeper meaning to communities.
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November 16, 2021
U.S. smart city market projected to surge to $2.5 trillion by 2026
The market's growth is rapidly on the rise, but why?
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August 03, 2021
The rise of the cloud-ready digital utility
A few steps to take as you start your journey.

Ready to get started?
No matter where you are in the world, there is a local ESC Partners team available to help you with your digital transformation, cloud adoption, or customer care project. Just reach out.