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Let us introduce you to our leadership team.

Get to know our executives from their digital-first strategic vision to their customer-focused collective goals. Each member of our global team brings unique perspectives and decades of experience to the ESC collaborative.


  • ESC-RJ

    "At ESC, we provide in-depth assessment, planning, and implementation services for a digital age determined to exploit the growing benefits of SaaS and cloud adoption."


    "Every city can provide smarter solutions that make everyday processes easier for each and every citizen; that's ESC's smart city thinking."

  • ESC-Val

    Valerie Ross

    Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing (Global)


    "It’s great when we can make a utility run more efficiently, save some money, save some manpower hours. But, in the end, what truly makes me joyous in this job is seeing the world change for the person who had the problem to start with."

  • ESC-Rakesh

    Rakesh Babu

    Vice President, Delivery & Operations (Global)


    "For our clients, ESC represents a global vision for the future that incorporates a variety of cultures, desires, and concepts from the smart city to cloud adoption to enhanced customer service."

  • ESC-Claudia

    Claudia Vasquez

    Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing (Europe, Caribbean & Latin America)


    "ESC is truly growing by leaps and bounds in Latin America, and I love being a part of that growth, helping utilities and cities build on their solid foundations and expand upward and outward in the areas of customer service and SaaS."


    Luis Carli

    Vice President, Delivery & Operations (Latin America)


    “ESC is empowering South American utilities through digital transformation—making systems more efficient, reliable, and sustainable, and I’m so proud to be a part of it."


    Lucas Young

    Vice President, Delivery & Operations (Global)


    "ESC Partners is fully focused on the client/customer experience and the long-term relationship we develop together. That takes a little nurturing and a lot of listening, but—here on the delivery side of things—there's no better path forward than one built on collaboration and real empathy."

  • Irigoyen_600KB

    Ruby Irigoyen

    Senior Vice President, Customer Care as a Service (CaaS) (North America)


    "My thirty years in the utility business have taught me one thing: utilities always put their customers first, whether they're dealing with weather-related outages or helping one consumer understand his energy bill."

Corner curve shape.

Ready to get started?

No matter where you are in the world, there is a local ESC Partners team available to speed up and simplify your digital transformation, cloud adoption, or smart city strategy.

Contact us